How does inflammation occur? What types ofinflammation are there?
Inflammation occurs as a natural protective response when the body is harmed.There are two types of inflammation: acute and chronic.
Acute inflammation occurs following an injury, infection, or illness. Theimmune system unleashes immune cells to the affected area to protect it,causing redness and swelling.
Chronic inflammation refers to a prolonged inflammatory response in thebody. When inflammation lingers, it can detrimentally impact tissues and organsdue to the increased production of free radicals, which results in oxidativestress, an imbalance between antioxidants and free radicals.
Inflammation and oxidative stress are involved in many diseases. Chronicinflammation may be caused by autoimmune disorders, untreated infections, orillnesses, and often plays a role in conditions such as asthma, cancer, anddiabetes. Factors such as smoking, obesity, or stress may also contribute tochronic inflammation.
CBD acts as a potent anti-inflammatory, reducingcytokine production and inhibiting immune cell function.
Secreted by immune cells, cytokines are a group of proteins that regulateinflammatory responses to disease and infection. There are bothpro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines.
Overproduction or excess secretion of pro-inflammatory messenger moleculescan trigger a dangerous cytokine storm and other aberrant conditions. Acytokine known as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFa), for example, is producedin excess in rheumatoid arthritis, a painful, autoimmune disease that afflicts1.3 million Americans.
The interaction between cytokines, immune cells, and the endogenouscannabinoid system plays an important role in neuroinflammation andneurodegeneration.
It’s well documented that stimulation of the CB2 cannabinoid receptor byTHC and its endogenous counterparts can suppress inflammation. Cannabinoidreceptor signaling confers therapeutic effects by downregulating inflammatorycytokine expression.
Although cannabidiol has little direct binding affinity for the CB2receptor, CBD also acts as a potent anti-inflammatory, reducing cytokineproduction and inhibiting immune cell function.